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Preparing Your Facility for Recovery

As we begin to prepare for recovery it is important that we begin to keep employees health and safety in mind as we adjust to the new normal. Below are a few tips for all industrial-related companies as they begin a successful return to work.

  1. Prepare Your Building
    a. Review municipal occupation health and safety guidelines
    b. Ensure safety of all employees involved in preparing the building with personal protective equipment and training
    c. Abide by all cleaning and disinfecting procedures
    d. Check and update all Mechanical, HVAC, Fire/Life Safety Systems
  2. Prepare The Workforce
    a. Inform employees of the importance of social distancing
    b. Inform employees of ingress/egress protocols
    c. Consider shift patterns for employees to allow for staggered times employees are present
    d. Consider if office-based employees can continue to work from home
    e. Educate all vendors, visitors and third parties on new protocols
  3. Control Access
    a. Provide personal protective equipment for employees
    b. Implement clear plan for entering and exiting the building
    c. Consider allowing an entry for only essential employees
    d. Minimize access to office areas
    e. Consider temperature checks and/or requiring employees to self-monitor for symptoms and
    adjust/implement stay-at-home sick polices for employees exhibiting symptoms
  4. Create A Social Distancing Plan
    a. Stagger break times or consider providing additional break room seating outside
    b. Rearrange seating areas for extra spacing
    c. Increase space between production stations where possible or consider alternate stations
    d. Install Plexiglass shields/dividers at workstations, packing benches, etc.
    e. Address potential congestions in locker rooms and restrooms
  5. Reduce Touch Points & Increase Cleaning
    a. Disinfect touchpoints of shared equipment between shifts or when switching users
    b. Provide additional sanitizer/disinfectant and removable touch screen film at shared touchpoints
    c. Consider low-touch or no-touch switches, doors, drawers and other fittings
    d. Convert access keypads to alternates touchless technology
    e. Provide face shields for assembly line productions or where product is transferred between staff
    f. Provide disposable paper or plastic workstation covers to reduce contamination

I hope this helps you as we begin to take our next steps towards recovery.

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