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Real Estate Strategies During Transitionary Times

It is our hope this email finds you well. Our hearts go out to all those impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). As the situation evolves, we hope that you are taking all precautionary measures in keeping yourself, your family and loved ones safe. During this time, you might also be worried about moving forward with your real estate. We are reaching out to let you know that we are here to help and serve you through this rapidly developing situation.

Our team remains at full force to support and be of assistance to our clients while working remotely. We understand the severity of the situation and believe it is best to keep our families, loved ones and client’s health and safety our number one priority. We are offering our assistance by providing the following services that you might find helpful.

• Assistance with subleasing space on an interim basis
• Guidance in understanding potential economic assistance between lessor and lessee
• Recommendation of lenders for the potential to refinance to take advantage of historic rates
• Positioning your property for a timely sale, with a structured lease back.
• Assistance with SBA Loan Options

Lastly, we are also happy to work with you on a discounted structure payment term if needed in an effort to minimize any financial stress you might be experiencing. We will continue to think of ways to support you now and in the future.

We will all get through this together. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything

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